Donations & Wish List
Financial Donations can be made to Out of the Cold by sending a check to PO BOX 784, State College, PA 16804 or you can make an online donation by clicking here.
Thank you for your desire to support Out of the Cold through your donations and giving. These items can be dropped off outside of the day shelter at the rear porch entrance and placed in our donation bin. The day shelter is located at 318 S. Atherton Street in State College. Parking is in the rear of the building and can be accessed from Nittany or Foster Street via H Alley. Hours for donation drop-off are 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday. OUR SHELTER WISH LIST:
Food/Paper Products
"Pie in the sky" wish list:
Currently we have limited storage for blanket donations. Please consider donating these items to other local agencies or thrift shops.
To discuss unlisted items for donation, or to arrange for pick-up or drop-off, please call 814-852-8864 or email us at [email protected]. OUR AMAZON WISHLIST... isn't just a wish, but a need.
We are currently not in need of apartment items. Thank you so much for your generous support in providing these items to our guests! We have a nice supply for the time being and currently have filled our storage space.
APARTMENT WISH LIST: We have compiled a list of items that would really help the guests get a fresh, strong start as they start to lay down some roots. Anything from this list would be greatly appreciated and can be dropped off at the Day Shelter and our Address for shipping is 318 South Atherton St, State College PA, 16801.